Schlagwort-Archive: HIMYM

My Top Ten – HIMYMwise

We are all in mourning of tonight’s finale of How I Met Your Mother. And kind of waiting for the relief, too. Nine years, 208 (!) episodes, one very useless last season (with that last few episodes trying to sneak everybody’s spouses in for one last paycheck), tears, laughter, AHA-effects and a lot of Aaawwwwws…



How I Met Your Mother has become just so very bad

Modern Family – four shout-out-laughs during the season premiere.
New Girl – hilarious. Nick and Jess are the perfect corky couple. (“I’m not convinced I know how to read. I’ve just memorized a lot of words.” and every other conversation bits between the two).

But what the h*** happened to How I Met Your Mother? Weiterlesen